Montaigu de Quercy:
Montaigu de Quercy is the nearest village 5km in addition to the Saturday morning market, it has a supermarche, an excellent butcher, boulangerie, post office, bank, cafe restaurant and tourist information center.

How to get to Las Tuillieres:

1} Flights from UK to Bergerac on Ryanair or Easyjet and British Airways to Toulouse. The journey from Bergerac where you can rent a car takes about an hour and 14 mins 81.8 kms. The distance from Toulouse about 1 hour 24 mins 105 kms.
2} From Paris you can take the TGV {fast train} 4 hours to Agen where you can rent a car. The drive from Agen is about 30 mins. There are also flights from Paris to Begerac and Toulouse.
3} Driving from England, after your ferry has docked it will take an entire day. Although its certainly do-able, we recommend stopping on the way.


Las Tuillieres Map